Monday, 12 December 2016

Licence Renewal

Ok I've also had to re-learn how to spell but that's for another blog.  I just took my better half to the Roads and Maritime Services to get her licence renewed.  This is a completely different experience altogether than what many of my American friends would be used to.  There are people with smiles on their faces and they greet you upon entry!  They asked us what we needed and went and grabbed the right form to us and printed out our number.  We were then pleasantly greeted by the staff member behind the counter when our number was called.  We found out that we were eligible for a 50% discount today for which I have no idea why but we weren't asking questions!  We were in and out of there in 10 minutes including the photo session and when we finished we were asked if we wanted to quickly take part in a customer service survey on a touch screen at the exit door.  On the flip side, I've sat for hours in The States in a jam packed understaffed environment where patience and tempers are on edge.  I think the last time we were visiting home we spent half an afternoon at the Department of Licensing and when we finally got to the counter, I was accused of a hit and run in California at some stage while I was living in Australia.  It took me a while to convince the authorities that they had the wrong man...  Today was a much better experience!

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